Stepped-Up Yogurt

DSC_0102Don’t they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Well I know I have never been one of those people who gets excited about it. When I was about 8 my mother let me eat blueberry pie for breakfast just so I would eat something. Perhaps leftover pie was the cereal bar of the 80’s? I still make very little time for breakfast so I try to make sure whatever it is that I choose to eat packs a nutrient punch. When I’m not eating in the car on my way to drop the kids off at school, I often go the yogurt with granola route. I prefer low-fat over non-fat yogurt but you need to decide how low you can go when it comes to fat content. To make it more interesting, I usually add fresh berries with a squirt of lime juice and a drizzle of honey if the yogurt is plain. Maybe my mother was on to something since blueberries are a health powerhouse, containing vitamin C, fiber, manganese and antioxidants. (source=US Highbush Blueberry Council) I didn’t have blueberries on hand for this one so I used strawberries which are rich in the same nutrients. (source=Web MD)

This breakfast looks pretty and seems a lot less humdrum than milk with cereal. Enjoy!

Stepped-Up Yogurt

Serves 1

¾ cup low-fat or non-fat yogurt
1 teaspoon fresh lime juice
¼ cup low-fat granola
A handful of berries
A drizzle of local honey if the yogurt is unsweetened

Cutting board
Paring knife


  1. Place yogurt and lime juice in a small bowl and stir. Pour granola and strawberries atop yogurt mixture.
  2. Stir to combine and eat right away so the granola doesn’t get soggy.

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2 thoughts on “Stepped-Up Yogurt

  1. Carol Scott January 15, 2013 at 11:21 pm Reply

    I’m loving your blog, Liz. Thanks for doing it.

    • lizkiniry January 16, 2013 at 8:31 am Reply

      Thank you so much for reading my blog, Carol!

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